Friday, April 10, 2009

Extended BASIC

Still having hardware problems but was able to test emulation of Myarc 512K memory using device. Myarc Extended BASIC II does nice job with this scheme. Can emulate RAMdisk and print spooler but printing not going output. Maybe CRU conflict? More work to do! Might stick to AMS RAM emulation for now.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

TI Yahoo Group

Today I came across a TI group called TI Yahoo group. It looked like a fun place to join. But I start reading recent comments and see bitter people arguing about community. Why people argue about 30 year old technology is silly. Do people have nothing better to do? I do and that is why I not join that community. Sorry I ever found link to THAT one.

Made progress on TCPMail and TCPFTP programs. Using AMS memory for functions nice.

Added DSR routine to use Archiver files without need for archiver. Uses AMS RAM for file buffers and make use of special code. Not lot of use for it yet but will think of ideas.